Prayer Letter August 2024

Prayer Letter August 2024 Dear Prayer Partners: Over the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of August Board members of Ohfi are meeting at the Home of Com­pas­sion in Welling­ton. The Board is meeting to spend time in prayer and reflec­tion seeking the guid­ance of God for the year(s) ahead. This time of retreat explic­itly recog­nises that Jesus […]
HomePrayer Letter August 2024

Prayer Letter August 2024

Dear Prayer Partners:

Over the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of August Board members of Ohfi are meeting at the Home of Com­pas­sion in Welling­ton. The Board is meeting to spend time in prayer and reflec­tion seeking the guid­ance of God for the year(s) ahead.

This time of retreat explic­itly recog­nises that Jesus is the Head of Ohfi and that it is only through the incom­pa­ra­ble wisdom and power of Jesus that Ohfi is able to under­take its mission.

So we gather in ado­ra­tion and thanks giving for how the Lord is bring­ing dignity and hope to many impov­er­ished fam­i­lies and their com­mu­ni­ties through the various pro­grammes that Ohfi delivers.

Prayer is an essen­tial part of the Ohfi min­istry. We are deeply grate­ful for every person who prays that God’s favour rests on Ohfi to the benefit of impov­er­ished, neglected and vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren and their fam­i­lies. Some of you have upheld Ohfi and its min­istry for many years. To each faith­ful prayer partner we send our heart­felt thanks.

Please could you pray God’s anoint­ing on this time of retreat and reflec­tion. Let us pray that the Board members leave the Retreat inspired knowing they have been in the pres­ence of God who has spoken to them.

It is our desire to strengthen the Ohfi prayer network so that many people are fanning the grace of God through out the orga­ni­za­tion, both in New Zealand and in the various coun­tries in which we work.To this end we welcome new prayer partners.

Please pray asking God to bring to Ohfi a flow of new prayer part­ners who will add to the prayers of our current ded­i­cated prayer partners.

Click Here to See The Full Letter

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