February 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Partners, “Every child in the world will belong to a home, family and com­mu­nity where they are save and love, receive good health care and edu­ca­tion and know that they are loved by God.” This is the vision that has for long inspired Ohfi. Apart from ensur­ing the safety and well being of chil­dren and […]
HomeFebruary 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Partners,

“Every child in the world will belong to a home, family and com­mu­nity where they are save and love, receive good health care and edu­ca­tion and know that they are loved by God.”

This is the vision that has for long inspired Ohfi. Apart from ensur­ing the safety and well being of chil­dren and young people an impor­tant part of our vision is that every child receives an edu­ca­tion that will enable them to take a full part in life as an adult.

Usually we realise this vision by empow­er­ing fam­i­lies so that they can afford to send their chil­dren to the local school.

Some times though these schools are too over­crowded to give every child who attends the edu­ca­tion they need, or locally they don’t exist.

Over the years to meet this gap in edu­ca­tion Ohfi has sup­ported and funded the estab­lish­ment of schools. Two schools have been built in Manipur, one in Zambia, and two have been built or are being built in Rwanda. In Manipur the school at Kang­pokpi has approx­i­mately 700 pupils from nursery school to Class 11.

Read the full letter here.

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