Prayer Letter May (Mother’s Day) 2024

Prayer Letter May (Mother’s Day) 2024

Prayer Letter May (Mother’s Day) 2024 Dear Prayer Partners: “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kind­ness. She watches over the ways of her house­hold, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” — Proverbs 31:26–27 As the...
Prayer Letter May (Mother’s Day) 2024

Prayer Letter March ( Easter)2024

Prayer Letter March ( Easter)2024 Dear Prayer Partners: “He is not here, He is risen” Luke 24: 25 The incred­i­ble truth of Easter is the res­ur­rec­tion- that Jesus rose from the dead. A beau­ti­ful part of the Easter story is that the first...
Prayer Letter May (Mother’s Day) 2024

Prayer Letter February 2024

Prayer Letter Feb­ru­ary 2024 Dear Prayer Partners: We are now in the Lenten season leading up to Easter. Lent is usually asso­ci­ated with fasting and self denial. The prophet Isaiah in Chapter 58 has strong words to say about fasting, espe­cially...


My name is Annie, I am 27 I have two chil­dren, and am the guardian of my three young nieces. Life hasn’t been easy for us since we lost our parents.  I promised my sister I would care for her girls but many days I was ashamed that I could not find enough food...
Micro Enterprise

Micro Enterprise

Micro enter­prises, defined as small-scale busi­nesses often oper­ated by indi­vid­u­als or small groups, play a crucial role in fos­ter­ing eco­nomic inde­pen­dence, alle­vi­at­ing poverty, and pro­mot­ing com­mu­nity devel­op­ment. While their scale may be modest,...