Additional Prayer letter for November 2024

Additional Prayer letter for November. Dear Prayer Partners, We have just learned from our Direc­tor Lun Misao in Kolkata that in a dis­trict adja­cent to where OHF Kolkata works two chil­dren have gone missing. The chil­dren are a boy and a girl, no more than 10 years of age. It is sus­pected that they have been trafficked. Please […]
HomeAdditional Prayer letter for November 2024

Additional Prayer letter for November.

Dear Prayer Partners,

We have just learned from our Direc­tor Lun Misao in Kolkata that in a dis­trict adja­cent to where OHF Kolkata works two chil­dren have gone missing. The chil­dren are a boy and a girl, no more than 10 years of age. It is sus­pected that they have been trafficked.

Please could you pray for the safe return of these two chil­dren and for comfort and hope for the families.

Because of an acci­dent in his youth Lun has a pros­thetic arm from the elbow. The arm, and in par­tic­u­lar the hand portion, has become broken through con­stant use. It is beyond repair and Lun is in need of a new arm.

Please could you pray for Lun that the Lord will look with favour on him and provide a new pros­thetic arm.

The Ohfi board meet this Sat­ur­day. Please pray God’s anoint­ing on the Board meeting with Board members being graced with wisdom, dis­cern­ment, courage and unity as they deal with chal­leng­ing issues.

Thank you once again for your prayers.

God bless you.


Prayer co-ordi­na­tor.

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