Our News

Whether it be from partner projects around the world, or vol­un­teer events here in New Zealand, there is always plenty of news to share at Ohfi. Here you can read news and stories from across our organisation.

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Prayer Letter October 2023

Prayer Letter October 2023

Prayer Letter October 2023 Dear Prayer Part­ners: “Do not be anxious for any­thing, but in every­thing, by prayer and peti­tion, with thanks­giv­ing, present your requests to God.”  Philip­pi­ans 4:6 Thank you for your prayers. They are a deep bless­ing of God’s grace for all…

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Rwanda Appeal

Rwanda Appeal

Dear Friends, Earlier this year Carmel Hurdle and Kim Ostern were able to spend time with the chil­dren and fam­i­lies of Pilgrim Nursery School in Rwanda on behalf of Ohfi. We were delighted to be able to report back as below. Click Here to Read the full letter.

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Prayer Letter September 2023

Prayer Letter September 2023

Prayer Letter Sep­tem­ber 2023 Dear Prayer Part­ners: In Chapter 5 of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthi­ans we are called to be ambas­sadors of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion. ” He has com­mit­ted to us the message of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion. We are there­fore Christ’s ambas­sadors, as though God…

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Prayer Letter July 2022

Prayer Letter July 2022

 Prayer letter The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you;  He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and  don’t worry. (Deuteron­omy 31:8) Dear Prayer part­ners Thank you for uphold­ing the needs of Ohfi in your prayers. We are deeply grateful…

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Regular finan­cial support is always needed to enable OHFI’s work to con­tinue. Here you can find out the dif­fer­ent ways in which you can give. 


Prayer support is vital for OHFI’s work. Here you can read about the impor­tance of your prayers, and sign up to receive our prayer letter.


There are many ways in which you can vol­un­teer to support OHFI’s work. Find out here how your skills and expe­ri­ence can help us!